Worlein-Hoff Funeral Home Kids
Help these adorable dalmations as they brave the cold and jump into a pile of teddy bears! They are hoping to raise $500 and could not be more excited to be part of the Frunge!!
Supporters | |||
Name | Date | Amount | Comments |
Danielle Hoff | 02/28/2025 | $26.21 | Go Haddie and Kate! | McKenzie Mullen-Burkart | 02/28/2025 | $50.00 | Way to go Finn, Haddie, and Kate | Mike & Judy Dahl | 02/28/2025 | $100.00 | Kayla Sprung | 02/26/2025 | $50.00 | Hudson & Kinsley Angst | 02/26/2025 | $50.00 | Muriel Mullen Burkart | 02/26/2025 | $52.06 | Finn,Haddie,Kate Have fun at the Frunge! A hundred and one? My, where did they all come from? | Alyssa & Eric Gardner | 02/26/2025 | $50.00 | Get it, girls! | Wendy Miller | 02/25/2025 | $52.01 | Way to go to help the cause😊 | Jenifer Hoff | 02/24/2025 | $104.74 | Grandma Jenny and grandpa Tim are proud of you!! | Joan Rupp | 02/24/2025 | $50.00 | Pat & Sue Patton | 02/24/2025 | $103.76 | Ashley Czaplewski | 02/24/2025 | $103.76 | Way to go guys!!! | Mateo Spartz | 02/24/2025 | $21.04 | You got it Kate! | Judy Garness | 02/24/2025 | $50.00 | Have fun, Finn |
Total | $863.58 |