U of M MortSci and Friends
Healing Hearts Connection
U of M MortSci and Friends
Fundraising Page Image

U of M MortSci students, faculty, and friends want to help support the incredible Healing Hearts Connection and Hearts of Hope Family Grief Camp. Donate for us to take the Frunge and raise money for a great cause!

ABOUT Frunge 2025
Name Date Amount Comments
Kevin Nicholson 03/01/2025 $100.00 Thank you for the difference you make for families.
Anna Carlson 03/01/2025 $25.00  
Christine Weber 03/01/2025 $21.04 Way to go!!
Maggie Carlson 03/01/2025 $50.00  
Philip Lee 03/01/2025 $20.00 Go Johannah and Peter!
Susan Lee 03/01/2025 $100.00  
Jack Neeser 03/01/2025 $25.00 Going to be cold. Brrrr, good luck bubs <3
David Laukkonen 02/28/2025 $52.06  
FD Helpers Of People 02/28/2025 $340.00  
Dingmann Funeral Care 02/28/2025 $340.00  
Cherie Digby 02/28/2025 $20.00 Love ya Sara!
Matt Sonnek 02/28/2025 $25.00  
Patricia Sheveland 02/28/2025 $100.00 Yay U of M Mort-Sci!!!
Meghan DeLong 02/28/2025 $100.00 Cheering you on from the crystal clear waters down here in sunny Sarasota, FL! So much love and encouragement to you, your students, and our babies 😘
Crystal Ellis 02/27/2025 $50.00 Go Janet!!!
Kurt & Pam Vandermeer 02/27/2025 $100.00 Go for it, Emma #2
Aaron Vandermeer 02/27/2025 $21.02 Emma #2
Chris Hellerud 02/26/2025 $25.00 Way to go Emma #2
Doug & Jenny Meslow 02/26/2025 $30.00  
Emily Anderson 02/26/2025 $103.66 Anderson FH is rooting for you all! Thanks for jumping & raising funds!
Louise & Mark Neeser 02/26/2025 $25.00 Go Emma!
Michael LuBrant 02/26/2025 $150.00  
Katie Miller 02/26/2025 $21.02  
Julie Erickson 02/25/2025 $21.02 In support of the Healing Hearts program and the Mort Sci Team Frunger's!
Chelsea Girten 02/25/2025 $25.00  
Kelly Anderson 02/25/2025 $25.00  
  Total $1,914.82  
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